Saturday, November 24, 2012

Christmas shopping: where to buy

Now that Thanksgiving is over, The Christmas season is here.



Here's something I've noticed about Christmas:



This is the time of year for peace on earth and goodwill towards men, yet, for some reason, here in America we have to fight about something.



The past few years we fought about Greetings. We should be grateful that someone would wish us a happy day, but no, we went through YEARS of arguing between wishing people "Happy Holidays" VS. Merry Christmas.



Now we seem the new debate seems to be where to buy your Christmas Presents: Wal-Mart or Small Businesses.




A lot of people, particularly people on Facebook, are talking about how they are going to be buying from Small businesses. If so, wonderful! I'm happy for you. But, like most good intentions, it's seems like some people are using this good intentions as a way to be.....well.....Smug.



Also, I've seem to notice some non-intended criticism going around to people that shop at Wal-Mart on Black Friday. Kind of snarky things along the line "If you're not a part of the salutation, you're part of the problem" kind of deal.



Look if you have the money to shop at small business, that's wonderful! I'm happy for you, but not everyone does.  What about the Single mom who works her tail off just to keep a roof over her and her children's head, and the only way to give her kids a decent Christmas is to go down late at night at wall mart, fight crowds, wait in long lines, risk getting trampled by people, just so she can give her kids a decent Christmas.



I myself make minimum wage, and I am buying my Christmas presents from various places. Online, bought some at Dollywood, and yes I have, and probably will continue to purchase from stores such as Big Lots and Wall Mart.



But I don't think we should focus on WHERE we buy our Christmas presents, but WHY we buy Christmas presents.



Whether you shop at a Small business or Black Friday at Target, you’re doing it to show your loved one how much you care. You want to show them that during this wonderful time of year, you want to get them something to show you keep them in your heart and in your mind.



For those of you that are pro small business, anti-big business, I just have to say: If a family or friend gets you something from wall mart, k-mart, target, big lots, etc. DON'T turn your nose up at it. Don't start lecturing about the cons of big box stores. You don't know the full story of that person's financial situation. And whatever happen to the old saying "It's the thought that counts"?



Who cares where they get it. And if you’re really are so against not owning anything from a major corporation, just tell all your friends and family that the only thing you want for Christmas this year is their company.




And if you are shopping at a big box store this year, don't feel guilty. Times are tough. The economy is still in the crapper. You are doing the best you can. The very fact that you can even afford any presents, you should feel blessed. Never let anyone make you feel guilty for doing the best you can.



Merry Christmas, everyone!


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